OranaHotPot LOGO compressedLighthouse Business Innovation Centre (Lighthouse) in collaboration with Orana Steiner School are holding their first micro-granting dinner on the 6th August to support projects that benefit the local Canberra community.

HotPot is a micro-granting dinner, where projects that benefit the local community are funded through donations made at the door.

On August 6th, Canberra families will be invited to bring a plate to share, socialise and vote for their favourite project.

$5 buys one vote and all money raised at the door goes to the winning project.


Canberra charities, community organisations, social entrepreneurs and even students can submit projects. The only criterion is that the project must benefit the Canberra community. Projects can range from small to ambitious.

The winning project can use the funds to finance their whole project or kick start a more ambitious one.

Projects can be creative, entrepreneurial or focused on solving a local problem – for example removing graffiti, creating a community garden or artwork or even starting a business with a social outcome.


Both organisations have a long track record of supporting community projects.

Lighthouse is about to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the ACT Microcredit Loan Program, delivered via a three-way partnership involving the ACT Government, Westpac Institutional Bank and Lighthouse to support people on a low income who wish to start a business or expand an existing one.

Orana Steiner School also has a strong commitment to community service and has a comprehensive program for their high school students that involves them working with community organisations to develop and implement a project that will have a social impact.


According to Lighthouse CEO Anna Pino, social entrepreneurs often find it hard to fund the early concept stages of their business when they are still struggling to identify a sustainable business model.

"An initiative like HotPot not only provides a small amount of start-up capital for projects, but also a great platform to tell an enthusiastic audience about their project and hopefully garner further support," says Ms. Pino.

Principal Dee Whitby says, "Orana Steiner School strives to nurture students who are deep thinkers and connected to the world around them. HotPot encourages our students to develop dynamic connections with the community in which they live."



  • Attendees will be asked to make a donation upon entry ($5 per voting slip).
  • Four pre-screened projects will be given 5 minutes to present and 5 minutes to answer questions from the audience.
  • After the presentations, the audience will be asked to vote for a winning project.
  • Families are encouraged to bring a plate to share while the votes are counted.
  • The project that receives the most votes will receive all donations raised at the door.
  • The winning project will return to a future HotPot to present how their project went, how the money was used and the success of the project for the community.



Submissions for Orana HotPot will be reviewed by Lighthouse Business Innovation Centre, and four projects will be selected to present at the HotPot on the 6th August. These four projects will be of a variety (i.e. student projects, charity projects, creative projects etc.) in order to give the audience a range of projects to support.

To submit a project for consideration email orana@lighthouseinnovation.com.au for an application form.





RSVP to https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/orana-hotpot-tickets-17508655861 


About Lighthouse Business Innovation Centre
Since July 2008, Lighthouse has worked with over 990 distinct enterprises and provided group and peer based services to over 3400 enterprises and individuals. For over five years Lighthouse has successfully delivered business advice, education, mentorship and networking opportunities to help these businesses commercialise their ideas and grow their companies. Lighthouse also delivers programs such as the ACT Microcredit Program for the ACT Government. Visit www.lighthouseinnovation.com.au for more information.